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Welcome To Our Aviation Communities

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of aviation, the strength of a community can make all the difference.

We believe that aviation communities are essential for fostering innovation, sharing knowledge, and supporting the individuals who make this industry soar.

Our thriving aviation communities are dedicated to providing a platform where aviation enthusiasts, professionals, and newcomers can come together to connect, learn, and grow.

מפגש טייסות ישראליות אצל נעמי סחייק.HEIC

Israeli Female Pilots Community

In August 2023, Naomi Schayek founded Israel's first Female Pilots community.

This community spans continents, aiming to create a professional and supportive network for Israeli women in aviation.

With a continuously growing membership, it currently includes about 90 female pilots in various roles, all united by their passion for aviation, desire for camaraderie and support, and eagerness to share their experiences with each other.


The community engages in various activities, including:

  • Face-to-face meetups

  • Virtual enrichment sessions

  • Active Facebook and WhatsApp groups

Follow Us on Social Media! 

Professional Pilots Community

Welcome to our exclusive community of highly experienced Israeli pilots from around the world, including captains, first officers, and flight instructors.

This group is dedicated to sharing invaluable insider knowledge and best practices in aviation.

Our community is specifically for commercial pilots actively engaged in the field or those with a pilot's license planning to enter the profession soon.


The community is run by expert pilots who offer advice on a variety of aviation topics.

We invite you to join our quality WhatsApp group, where you will receive weekly tips from top pilots in the field.

Additionally, you can participate in enriching
bi-monthly webinars.

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